Letter to the Apostles

imageDear Apostles,

One Thousand of us are going to march on the church office building.  We will present Ten Thousand signatures calling for the immediate PROTECTION OF OUR CHILDREN.

National media outlets will cover our March-for-the-Children.

Your policy of taking children behind closed doors is going to be exposed to the world.

Your training and approbation of local leaders to probe our children about masturbation and other sexually explicit details is going to be unmasked to the public.

You and the church are not going to look good.  Sitting bishops are not going to look good.

Do the right thing.  Stand up with us to protect our kids.  Stop these interviews IMMEDIATELY.  Avoid the PR nightmare that is fast approaching.

We are marching to protect our children.


Ten Thousand Thundering Voices

To whom the following may concern:

I have been spied on, tattled on, gossiped about.

Today, I’m asking for somebody, anybody, to tattle my plans to the highest authorities.  Thus far, I have not heard a peep from any church leader.  I have reached out in every way that I know how.  The church may remain silent.  But, Ten Thousand Thundering Voices will not.  Our children are at stake.

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