Active Members are on the Move–Success Story #3.

Father and son

What a great email to wake up to!!

Dear Sam/Bishop Young,

I wanted to write to you to thank you for the information you are sharing. I know this has been so troublesome for you and a heavy load to bear. I also know that the burden of hurt carried by so many members and their children has been heavy and lonely. I am a former Relief Society President and life long member of the church. Like you I have served in presidencies and served a full time mission. I have family and friends who have their own experiences with well-meaning or not so well-meaning church leadership.

I wanted to let you know that I have shared our concerns and your press conference with our bishopric, RS, Primary and YW Presidents. Our bishop expressed his concern as well and is planning to bring up the issue in his next Stake Welfare meeting. Our RS President is well aware and endorses our efforts to address the issue. My husband, who is currently on the High Council, and I sat down personally with our Stake President a week ago to express our concerns. He was very open and willing to address the issue in the Stake and has told us he will bring the issue to his next meeting of Stake Presidents who meet with the area authority Elder _____. I believe our stake president sees the wisdom in taking some action to protect children and also to avoid huge liabilities. I have also shared the press conference and my concerns with the Stake RS President, Stake Primary Presidency and the Stake YW President. The quickest solution we offered is for a child to choose a parent or another leader to accompany them into the interviews.

We also have been sharing our concerns with family and friends, especially those who hold leadership positions in our faith. We pray that they will have the courage to share their concerns and that the spirit will guide them in how to do so in their respective spheres of influence.

God bless you and guide you as you take this journey.

Thank you,  T.D.

THANK YOU, T.D.  Your efforts will protect our children.  This is so awesome!

My totally active daughter has been telling me for months, “Dad please don’t quit.  There are more people in the church who agree with these changes than don’t.  It’s just that the members who support you are afraid to speak up.”

Last week, I was told the same thing by an active member who has also spoken with his friends, family and leaders.

I’m starting to believe them.

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5 thoughts on “Active Members are on the Move–Success Story #3.

  1. Sam,

    Many of these interview stories are out in public. This guy was paid $81 million by the government to create the CIA torture program. He was then made a bishop. Imagine a poor 8 year old going through a “worthiness” interview with this guy:
    ““I can think of no one less qualified for a position of moral and spiritual leadership,” Shahid Battar, executive director of the Bill of Rights Defense Committee, which describes itself as a national grass-roots network for civil rights, civil liberties and the rule of law.”
    One must also wonder if he paid tithing on that money?
    Was that money then used to build temples?

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Firstly reference the Cia torture program, then google John ” Bruce” Jessen and also John Smith’s www. stories…Machiavellian tactics do not justify the end!!!…maybe it is just the money.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Sam the support from your daughter is so precious. The reports from the ground up are also encouraging. I came across this quote by Mehmet Murat ildan, a Turkish author.

    “World is full of lost lives, full of unfortunate souls ruined in the name of unreasonable religious rules. ”

    These rules need to be changed from the top down, not by so-called revelation but simply by a feeling of compassion, acknowlegement of responsibility and acceptance of consequences, and above all a sincere HUGE humble apology for ruining so many lives. Too many lessons on Forgiveness…nothing on Apologising…why? because that is covered by the Atonement. We are responsible for our own sins and errors.

    Liked by 1 person

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